For the last 9 months, it has been a very difficult time, in June of this year after endless tests my mum Kerry was diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer. As you’re all aware one of the biggest passions my mum had was caring for people at caring together. We believe in life that in every negative situation there has to be a positive, hence this page and event being created. Some of you would’ve shared with mum last summer her 30 years celebration of her work in care. Myself, my Mum, Dad at this stage are reliant upon support of family and friends and all the outpouring of love to win this battle, and I have to say the messages we have received as a family are so much appreciated, My mum will be shaving her head before she starts chemotherapy. We’re asking for sponsors or donations of £10.00 for somebody to have their head shaved at the fundraiser on the 12th of August starting at 11am until 1pm where there will be drinks and cakes being sold along with a raffle. The fundraiser is taking place at 16 Ely road, Littleport. Thank you everybody in advance- Megan, Kerry and Steve.