I was recently diagnosed with a low grade glioma brain tumour, which was removed at the end of November, it was close to my motor function strip on the right hand side of my brain, when I woke up from surgery I had no movement on the left hand side of my body. I had to push myself to do the simplest of tasks, like brushing my hair to walking again. I was very lucky to have found my tumour early and to have such amazing support from my surgeon, Physio therapists, Occupational Therapists and most importantly my amazing family & friends. This is a charity close to my heart and I am hoping to raise awareness and hopefully raise some money for an amazing charity.
The Brain Tumour Charity is the world's leading brain tumour charity and the largest dedicated funder of research into brain tumours globally. Committed to saving and improving lives, we're moving further, faster to help every single person affected by a brain tumour.
We're set on finding new treatments, offering the highest level of support and driving urgent change. And we're doing it right now. Because we understand that when you, or someone you love, is diagnosed with a brain tumour a cure really can't wait.