once again I have been given the fantastic opportunity to run the London Landmarks to raise money for “Aspergillosis Trust “ a small charity so close to our hearts.
I was so proud to do this run last year for the charity and my dad. I have been running consistently since last year improving on my running and strength, so when the opportunity came up again it was a no brainier. It was a BIG YES from me.
Two years on and it still doesn’t get any easier, as I said before running is a way to grieve and get through it better ,it clears your mind and makes you feel better.
”Grief is like living two lives. One is where you pretend that everything is alright,and the other where your heart silently screams in pain “
The support I got from everyone last year was amazing and was just what needed to keep me going.
So I need that support again everyone 🥰
A charity like Aspergillosis is so small that just the small amount of money that’s was raised by 5 other runners last year was invested into supporting children and their families of loved ones that are going though this disease with them or have passed away.
The next goal is to spend more time and money into educating health care professionals and GP’s and to do this we need to raise more money and awareness of this very silent disease that people are not aware of.
For the first time last year they were able to be in person at the European Lung Foundation in Vienna. This is an event that brings together organisations to learn about and discuss important topics in respiratory health, and for them to represent “ Aspergillosis”.
The vision of Aspergillosis Trust is to achieve the best outcomes for all aspergillosis patients, until such time as a cure can be found. We have an aspiration to support research into the disease and mycology generally that can help improve health outcomes for patients. We will work towards this by:
Raising awareness of aspergillosis amongst the general public.
Finding ways to ensure patients get the best possible information to help them manage the illness.
Increase the understanding of the condition amongst medical professionals.