I am fundraising for Peaches Womb Cancer Trust.
27 people are diagnosed with womb cancer every day in the UK. So this January I am joining the challenge - to walk, run or wheel 2 miles a day for 27 days and help raise awareness, provide support and fund research into womb cancer.
I was one of those 27 back in 2019 and I struggled finding information and advice on womb cancer to help me through my diagnosis. I don't want that to happen to anyone else.
Please help me raise awareness so that we all know the signs.
🍑 Heavy/irregular/abnormal bleeding
🍑 Pain in the pelvis
🍑 Bloody/pink watery discharge
There are more but these were the symptoms that I had, that 2 GP's in Brampton ignored for 3 years. When I moved back to Gretna, I went to the doctors as I had been bleeding heavily for 76 days. I was referred straight away by Dr Richmond.
Don't ignore any changes, you know your own body. Fight for it!
I am going to kick start the fundraiser with a £27 donation.
Peaches Womb Cancer Trust is the UK's first dedicated womb cancer charity. Supporting those living with womb cancer and raise awareness so that people can be diagnosed earlier and have a higher chance of recovery. 1 in 3 people in the UK have never heard of womb cancer -we want that to change.