I'm taking part in the Miles That Matter challenge for the Miscarriage Association, a charity really close to our hearts.
I think it's really important to talk about this subject because 1 in 4 women go through miscarriage and baby loss. We're sadly in the middle of our fourth loss, which isn't a stat I ever wanted to overachieve the national average in. . But it's where we're at.
I've not set any impressive mileage targets - this is a personal challenge during June to get me moving, outside, feeling strong and recovering.
Its also about raising awareness, talking openly about a subject that is under represented and raising a few quid for a charity who do some amazing work.
I am always open for a chat with anybody who is going through, has been through or is close to anyone going through miscarriage and baby loss. Every one of our losses has been a totally different experience. But I've learnt that a good network around you to help you through the brain fog, ugly feelings and physical sh*t is key.
No sympathy thanks - just raise awareness and any donations for my plod through June gratefully received ✌️