When Mum died in July 2020, the team at Rennie Grove were central to us being able to care for her at home in her last few weeks, at a time when Covid would have kept us apart had she had to go into hospital or hospice care.
I've been wanting to do something to give back for a while, and when my friend and coach recently suggested that I challenge myself to walk 10k, I decided to give myself a deadline so I signed up for the Herts 10k to raise money for a great cause in her memory.
It might not seem like a massive challenge, but anyone who knows me will know that I suffer from migraines that are often brought on by even light exercise, so this is a physical challenge for me, and also a real mental challenge to get over my worries surrounding exercise.
I really appreciate any donation no matter how small, but most of all your wishes of good luck - I may need them!