Etta and Rupert adore their cousin Alfred and would really love to help him achieve his dream of walking independently one day.
Alfred is a happy, fun loving 8 year old living with Cerebral Palsy after suffering a brain injury at birth. He has since spent all of his childhood working hard during physiotherapy sessions with the hope that one day he will walk independently and be able to run and play like the rest of his friends!
Seeing Alfred’s determination and strength has inspired Etta and Rupert on many occasions over the years. As Etta says, ‘We can face a challenge just like Alfred does every day by walking 10 miles. Maybe then we’ll realise how hard it is for Alf.’
A group of willing friends have agreed to join Etta and Rupert on their 10 mile walk with the hope that they can raise some money to help fund Alfred’s intensive treatments and specialised equipment that just aren’t available on the NHS. Please spur them on with any donations that you can!
Huge thanks! 🙏