Jessica Morris was a life force. A camapaigner. A sister-friend. A woman with more warmth and wisdom you could hope to meet in one person.
And as she became afflicted by Gliobastoma, the most deadly of cancers she set up OurBrainBank with the mission to make this "terminal not treatable" and more, "powered by patients".
As Jessica battled I started to go to Soul Cycle because I could have a good cathartic cry as each session reaches its crescendo....then I got hooked!
As I head towards sixty this summer, an age Jessica did not reach, I've decided to push myself and raise money in her memory and for all those who know that if we cure the deadliest cancer, we cure 'em all.
Our BrainBank does incredible things
Julia xx
here i am with Jess in January 2019 on the eve of the pandemic.