Thank you for visiting our fundraising page. We love All Saints and are raising money to repair the roof and fit solar panels because this place is so important to us. We know that over 15,000 people are welcomed into the building every year. People come for the food larder, for financial advice, worship, Guiding, sport, singing, art and lots more. We have been members of All Saints church for twenty years or so. The first Sunday we came we heard Jesus’ words “Come to me all you who are burdened, and I will give you rest.” We certainly felt able to rest in the love of God at All Saints - although as Treasurer for several years (Andrew) and Sunday school helper (Judith) at various times PCC members (both) it’s not been restful in a worldly sense! However, we are so very grateful to God for bringing us to be members of such an amazing, vibrant, caring, creative and outreaching Christian family. In gratitude for this we’d like to suggest that friends and family support the All Saints’ campaign to make the building safer, more sustainable ecologically, and better able to serve the community. Thanks to you all!