On July 30 I will be swimming for the Huntsville Hospital Foundation, a 9 km swim on Lake Vernon from the docks at Algonquin Outfitters around Gallagher Island and back to the docks. Focus on Imaging is a $10 Million campaign committed to replacing and upgrading Huntsville Hospital with state-of-the-art diagnostic technology and has to be raised through our generous and caring community. The most significant need of the Focus On Imaging Campaign is for Muskoka’s first Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). Having access to an MRI locally means patients won’t have to travel out of the region for an exam that is fundamental to modern health care. Huntsville Hospital has been a designated District Stroke Centre since 2006, and is the only regional stroke program without an MRI under its roof to perform time-sensitive studies before irreversible brain damage occurs. I have the opportunity to help the Foundation raise funds for Muskoka's first MRI and with your support you will be helping me help them by donating to this wonderful event, any donation is gratefully accepted. Your generous support really does help make a difference to healthcare for life, here. From the bottom of my heart thank you for your support. Joy