I'm joining Sam as he runs around world famous racetracks as the new Ambassador for The Cheetah Conservation Fund. He has pledged to raise £1 for every 1km he runs with a starting target of 7,100kms, representing the number of the remaining wild Cheetah population.
Sam said:
“I know that when my Formula E car leaps from 0-60 in 3 seconds that there is only one land mammal on earth that can match me. That animal is the Cheetah. Built for speed and agility this big cat makes me feel humble as what it does keeps it alive. But they are endangered and I want to change that. It made perfect sense for me to become an Ambassador for this extraordinary animal and to support the work of The Cheetah Conservation Fund.”
Cheetah numbers have dropped by 98% to leave just 7,100 left in the wild in Africa. 300 cheetah cubs a year are taken from the wild in the Horn of Africa for the illegal wildlife pet trade. They are the most endangered big cat in Africa and time is running out on their race.