We started the dip back in 2008 with my family, when I was diagnosed with stage four Malignant Melanoma (I've since recovered!). This will be the 16th year of charging into the sea in aid of Macmillan Caring Locally. In the 16 years the dip has gown from just 8 of us charging in the sea for a bit of fun to in 2023 over 1,000 people joined us all, its become as much a part of xmas as santa and the prezzies !!
The White Christmas Dip has raised over £300,000 for our local Palliative Care Unit in Christchurch Hospital. The work this Unit do and the nurses working under them are a vital service within the community and this year I'm hoping to raise £1500 this year so please dig deep, no matter how big or small all donations can help make a difference.