It’s a bright, starry night the moon is out, but the silence is shattered ……a shot…..and another baby Rhino is orphaned. Why? For what?
By supporting the charity work of Wilderness foundation Africa, Wilderness Foundation UK and the Medivet Rhino project we can help support the protection of not just one species, but an ecosystem. The projects focus on one health, humans animals and environment existing in harmony. The rewilding projects set up masses of land sustaining multitudes of species and strategically using plant life with mass carbon sequestration properties, contributing to a healthier planet for all.
Closer to home, the UK branch harnesses the power of the wilderness and nature to transform vulnerable lives and empowers people, in return, to conserve nature. All their projects and programmes provide direct support, connecting people to nature, helping improve mental and physical wellbeing and teaching people to care for the natural world, using nature as a therapeutic tool.
So to do our bit, and help out just a little, Dave and I are at it again! We will be competing in the 2024 Montane Yukon Arctic Ultra. I say competing, but that’s a bit strong…we’ll settle on completing! We are still not sure we even like the cold, but it’s nothing compared to the challenges an iconic species like Rhino and our planet face everyday.