Epilepsy Action is the UK’s biggest community of people who want a better future for people affected by epilepsy.
The charity offers free vital services such as their Freephone helpline, website, local Talk and Support groups around the UK, e-learning courses, and their Befriending service. The charity’s freephone helpline is a vital service, with trained advisors who provide much-needed advice and support.
I'm fundraising to help make a difference so that Epilepsy Action can continue to provide these services when people need it most.
A couple of weeks ago William came home from school saying he would like to raise money for charity, so we had a chat about what charity he would like to raise money for and he chose an Epilepsy charity. We then spoke about what he would like to do and decided that he would like to walk up Hay Bluff.
As some of you may know my wonderful husband and William’s amazing Daddy suffers with Epilepsy, it is generally well controlled however he does sometimes have seizures, which aren’t nice to watch but we deal with them and Chris recovery’s well. William always likes to make sure Daddy is ok and to remind him to take his tablets.
We would be very grateful for any donations big or small.
Chris and myself are super proud of William and know that he will smash his challenge with lots of enthusiasm and energy.
Thank you for the support we all appreciate it.