My mission for the Scottish 10K run on 24th September AND the new addition of Edinburgh 10K run on 22nd October is to ultimately raise awareness & some pennies for PBC Foundation. I also want to STOP the stigmas sometimes associated with liver disease & create better understandings.
PBC (Primary Biliary Cholangitis) is a rare autoimmune long-term liver disease. Basically the body thinks that the bile ducts within the liver are foreign objects and try to destroy the lining of the liver. This can lead to scarring of the liver and in some cases liver failure.
So, why am I raising funds for this organisation??
16 months ago I was unexpectantly diagnosed with PBC as a result of a random blood test. I feel lucky I was caught early and managed by the brilliant team in Edinburgh's Royal Infirmary, before any liver damage and over time, with medication, I have stabilised. I'm a health professional by background but I had never heard of PBC, so thanks to the PBC Foundation, I had so much information & available support.
One of the best things I can do to help with some of the symptoms I get is exercise (apparently!!) So, here I am, trying to build up fitness & strength with a clear goal to support others with PBC. I'm not going to pretend it's been an easy journey and some days I feel pretty lousy and I have to push myself hard to get up & even get my trainers on!
Please help me keep up my motivation to run not one, but two 10ks (it's been a few years!) & raise positive awareness for the liver community!!