PANDAS is an autoimmune condition brought about by the common strep infection. It inflames an area of the brain that deals with routine, compulsion and motor skills. Symptoms can include OCD, anxiety, food restrictions, tics, trouble with writing and co-ordination. Young people living with PANS/PANDAS face challenges every day. I’m facing my biggest fear (heights!) as a challenge in solidarity with all those brave young people living with PP, one of whom I know and love. I want to show them how proud I am of them, how courageous they are and to raise money towards the incredible charity that supports them and their families every day. I’ll be abseiling down the millennium point building in Birmingham, I can’t believe I’ve written it let alone that I’ll be doing it! I wish I could say I’m looking forward to it, but in truth, I’m dreading it! So every pound you can donate will make it more and more worth it on the day and mean that I will absolutely have to do the drop…. Eeek! Thank you for your support. Wish me luck! Xx