I am running LONDON HALF MARATHON early April 2024.. for MAKE A WISH FOUNDATION, it is now a matter of weeks away! Yikess!!
Make-A-Wish® UK grant life-changing wishes for the thousands of critically ill children across the UK. Sadly, the number of wish enquiries from seriously ill children with less than a year to live is rising fast.
Any sponsor small or big is massively appreciated.
AS A THANK YOU… All sponsors that kindly donate will be entered into a hat to be gifted 1 of 3 ‘THANK YOU BOXES’ made up of a selection of random donated bottles of booze & soft drinks*. Picture below.
“You can create life-changing wishes For children with critical illnesses”
Charity Website -
‘Right now, around 63,000 children in the UK are eligible for a wish because they have a life-limiting or life-threatening condition. From the moment they are diagnosed, the simple pleasures of childhood and family life are replaced by worry, disruption, medical appointments, financial worries and isolation.
... Make-A-Wish exists to put those issues to one side by empowering a child with the chance to choose a wish that's unique to them, when so much else has been decided for them because of their health needs. In doing so, a wish creates hope, happiness and memories for the whole family to cherish.’
* 'Thank you boxes' - Left over Bottles donated from generous locals to raise money for a previous fundraiser for Make A Wish Foundation – a great success raising £143, the pic below is what was left over, so we are giving these away, at random, for free. This is not a prize draw nor competition. Just a thank you gesture (Plus the bottles are taking up too much space !!)
Thank you to Danielle, Lucinda, Gavin & Maxwell for the support and helping me with training! x