Just4Children are looking to raise funds to help pay for a much needed ENT operation for Jesse, to improve his breathing and quality of life.
In April 2022 Jesse was referred to ENT after spending sometime in hospital due to breathing problems. In the summer of 2022, the consultant confirmed that Jesse has a near complete obstruction of his airways due to enlarged adenoids. He recommended Jesse’s adenoids be removed along with tonsils. The consultant also confirmed obstructive sleep apnoea.
Since then the NHS have scheduled this operation twice, but sadly cancelled both times due to lack of bed space. The most recent cancellation being December 2022.
We currently have no rescheduled date and no indication of when an operation will be able to go ahead.
Meanwhile, Jesse is suffering greatly with his breathing and he is highly likely to end up back in A & E over the winter period due to breathing troubles.
Simply taking each breath is a struggle. Jesse’s breathing is laboured and uncoordinated, he is unable to lay down, sleep at night or get any good quality rest. Constantly breathing through his mouth means frequent coughing fits which result in vomiting, and this happens multiple times during the day and night.
If Jesse becomes even slightly congested, he struggles to maintain his saturations, resulting in him having to go on oxygen, which further adds to his dry mouth/coughing fits and so on. We are stuck in a vicious circle and it is heart breaking to watch our little boy suffer with no end in sight.
We are currently trying to raise funds for Just4Children to allow us to pay for Jesse to have this much needed operation privately.
We are confident it will make a huge difference to Jesse’s comfort, improve his quality of life & wellbeing and reduce his risk of needing hospital care during winter periods.
From the bottom of our hearts we thank you for any donation you can make.