*For Dutch bank accounts, find a Tikkie link here:
In short,
we're cycling 700+ kilometers from and to our respective hometowns of Madrid and Barcelona in one go - hopefully under 36 hours - to fundraise for Mass Action which redistributes funds to grassroots projects supporting displaced people in Greece and the UK. This includes the project Khora, an association and a non-hierarchical collective in Athens that provides dignified access to asylum support, food, clothes, creative workshops, and community space.
Importantly, we're also inviting all of YOU to join us in setting up your own fundraiser. Whether you're a former thighs participant or not, you can set up your own fundraiser and put your talents, whichever they may be, to work to fundraise for displaced communities. Set up your fundraiser by clicking HERE. Thank you for your support!
Croissants are so out of fashion. They’re greasy, fatty, and not very healthy. Our former project and name - En Route Au Croissant - is done, out, no more. But, we’re not; we’re just getting started. Welcome to Jamones de Hierro - the (very unofficial!) Spanish chapter of Thighs of Steel. Strap in, it’s going to be a wild ride.
Some of you might have heard on the grapevine that the Thighs aren't organising a mega summer fundraiser as they're taking some time to improve the ways thighs operates. However, Fortress Europe and inhumane migration policy are on the rise and the fundraising must go on.
Migration to and across Europe continues as borders get more violent and funding for smaller, grassroots projects that support displaced people dries up. The grassroots project we’ve supported in the past need funds more than ever, and so we’re committed to doing more than ever. More kilometers, more climbing, more fundraising, and more solidarity.
The Challenge
This year - as our new name might have suggested - we’re bringing Thighs back to our roots. In one long, arduous, and likely very painful 700km+ journey, we’re connecting our two hometowns of Madrid and Barcelona. Our goal is to do this in under 36 hours. Why? In the hopes that this will motivate you to donate, to share, to inform yourself, to vote, to care, and oh - did we mention donate?
In the last two years, we have fundraised more than €8,000, so this year we’re doubling down with a target of €10,000!
*Bonus fun: at the time of donating, you can add a note in the text box with a guess of how much time it will take us to arrive to Barcelona. The person with the closest estimate will win a unique Jamones de Hierro T-Shirt!
Where does my money go to?
The full amount of your donation will be distributed by MASS Action to grassroots projects that support refugees in the UK, Greece, and beyond.
Mass Action has longstanding partnerships with many grassroots projects that work across a range of support areas in a variety of locations. They will distribute the funds raised to the following partner projects: Khora (Greece), Mazi Housing Project (Greece), Glasgow Autonomous Space (Scotland), and Calais Appeal (France).
In 2023 the whole Thighs crew raised £109,298! With all of that, 18 grassroots projects were supported, including a large grant to Khora Athens, the solidarity community center that Thighs of Steel was originally set up to support.
To give you an idea of how far your donations can go, €10 covers the ingredients for 20 portions of hot nutritious vegan food, €20 covers the costs of weekly Arabic interpretation services, and if you're feeling generous €300 cover the weekly rent for our Social Kitchen community center.
You can find more information about the projects HERE.
Every penny counts so don't forget to Gift Aid if you're eligible.
We're serious about this!
Over the past few years, we've rallied under the banner of Thighs of Steel, raising funds for grassroots projects helping displaced communities. In 2022, we surpassed our €4,000 target and reached Paris in 34 hours. Last year, we cycled to Paris in under 24 hours and raised a whopping €4,400. But the cherry on top? The collective efforts of all Thighs of Steel fundraisers raised a staggering £109,298(!) soaring past the initial €80,000 goal - all thanks to the incredible generosity of supporters like yourselves! Clearly we’re committed to reaching our goals.
A joint effort
We don’t want to go on this adventure alone though, so we’re putting out a call to all former thighers, cyclists, non-cyclists, non-thighers, literally ANYONE to join us and set up your own fundraiser. You certainly do NOT have to cycle 700 kilometers (we just don’t have many other skills). In fact you’ll probably have more fun than us if you don’t. So do what you’re good at, whether that’s cycling, cooking dinner for big groups of people, organizing wonderful auctions and cabarets, putting on a dance show or karaoke, YOU name it, the options are endless.
All you have to do is click HERE to set up your own fundraising page. We’re thrilled to be in this together.
We realize we are very privileged to be able to choose to put ourselves through this, which is why we aim to raise money through our short journey. Unfortunately, people that are unjustly displaced and have to leave behind their homes also have to then face xenophobic border policies. We hope to motivate you to support a variety of grassroots projects to make refugees' journeys safer and more humane
Want to get in touch or follow our journey?
Instagram: @jamones_de_hierro
Subscribe to our newsletter here!