I shall be running the 2025 London Marathon on 27th April 2025 to raise money for Child Bereavement UK, a charity dedicated to providing support to children and young people when someone important to them has passed away. Child Bereavement also provide support to parents and the wider family who have lost a child of any age.
I sadly lost my dad, Eddie, when I was 7 years old. At this age, you’re not equipped with the ability to process what is happening or how to deal with the grief of losing a parent. Whilst I was incredibly lucky to be surrounded by a loving family, external support from professionals was a vital part of my grieving process and helped me process the range of emotions that I felt during that time.
Child Bereavement UK are a vital lifeline for children who experience the loss of a parent as well as their family and those around them. The charity also provide support to families in the wake of losing a child. Every donation I receive will help Child Bereavement UK support those in need and the below details how your support can be used:
£30 could fund a call to their helpline, providing guidance and support for bereaved parents, teachers, doctors or midwives.
£60 could cover an online support session for a bereaved young person when someone special has died
£90 could fund a support session for a couple who have lost a child to provide support and develop coping strategies
£100 could provide an hour of training and support for school staff to help them support their school community following the death of a pupil, parent or teacher
£700 could fund CBUK’s support an information service and freephone for a day
£1,000 could fully fund a programme of support for a family who have lost a parent
Thank you in advance for your kind donations!