Hi everyone I’m back where all my long distance running started by raising money for charity. Back in 2022 after losing another friend to suicide I decided to start raising money for mental health and awareness, I did this for two years and did well raising money. I wanted to show people I was serious about mental health and raising awareness so I went on a mental health course to educate my self and have a better understanding of mental health.
So over the last year I’ve been running solely for my self and I’ve not been doing to bad and I feel like now’s the right time to give back to charities that helped me get to where I am right now, So I’ve picked calm who Champaign against living miserable and suicide prevention and if you know me personally you’ll know how close this subject is to me, so please watch my journey through out January and please if you can donate how ever much it maybe it will go a long way. Oh and it’s not just a marathon every other day I’ll be work 8.5 hour shift before the majority of these runs plus spending as much time with my family aswell.