Our beautiful son Santolo got out the shower on the evening of 15th May 2022 - after a normal day playing, skateboarding and in the lake in a pedlow with his mate Harry - screaming holding his head in pain, after calling 999 I knew instinctively Santolo was having a brain haemorrhage - Santolo was taken to Musgrove Park A&E department where I work and from there he had a CT scan which confirmed a catastrophic brain haemorrhage threatening his life. Santolo was intubated and Bluelighted to Bristol Childrens Hospital where this incredible heart wrenching emotional rollercoaster began. Santolo, an 11 year old happy quirky skate board fanatic cheeky chappy was taken immediately to theatre where the neurosurgeons stopped the bleed in his brain. We waited until 0500 on Monday 16 May to be able to see Santolo in paediatric intensive care fighting for his life - 18 days santolo was on life support and during that time - a week after the bleed his little brain was swelling so much he had to have half his skull removed. Santolo had a anteriovenous malformation that he had from birth, we knew nothing about. - His life hung in the balance, we never left his side - from PICU he finally woke on 2 June 2022 - he was alive - he lost the use of his right side and was unable to talk - but in time he regained complete speech and full function of his limbs. We were discharged home on 1 July 2022 - santolo wore a helmet for 9 months to protect part of his head that was soft as there was no skull - on 9 February this year santolo under went life threatening brain surgery for 23 hours to remove the AVM and insert a titanium plate which would be his new skull- the neurosurgeons are incredible - Mr Edwards and Mr Fellows - they saved our sons life - the whole team from nurses, domestics, neuro rehab team became our family and helped us step by step in the journey to get santolo home- today he is amazing back on his skateboard living life to the full- no word can explain the heartache and pain we have endured at the risk of our son dying. we have been immensely humbled by the prayers we have received from so many wonderful people. Bristol Childrens Neurosurgical team - thank you - for this a small token of giving something back, myself, Sian Martin and Julie Holt who all work at Musgrove Park A&E department will be doing a skydive to raise some money for the neurosurgical department at Bristol Children’s Hospital - any little donation would be warmly received - Santolo had a visit to see Mr Edwards earlier this month and has been given the ALL CLEAR. He will have regular CT scans in the future - it’s over HE MADE IT -