Beautiful Hattie sadly passed away on 19th September 2023 at just 12 weeks old from a Mitochondrial Disease.
Mitochondria are effectively the power stations of the body. If they don’t function properly and produce enough energy for the body’s cells, then mitochondria dysfunction occurs. Mitochondria exist in nearly every cell of the human body and create 90% of the energy you need to sustain life and support organ function. Mitochondrial diseases are long-term, genetic and life limiting with very few treatments and currently no cure.
Mitochondrial Disease is not a condition many people are aware of. Together "Remembering Hattie" would like to raise money inspired by Hattie to help change this & find a cure. The Lily Foundation is a charity that aims to give hope, answers and support to the many other children and families that face the challenges of this disease.
My athletes are doing all they can do to help so please donate if you can. We are taking on an ultimate team workout, various marathons and resistance challenges to do our bit
Thank You