James & Calum will be running the marathon in Sierra Leone in May in support of Street Child. This will be a one week excursion whereby we will undertake charity work in the week prior to the marathon, then culminating in a celebration at the end where will collaborate with local artists to deliver a curated musical experience for participants to enjoy once having crossed the finish line.
Street Child's purpose is to see all children safe, in school and learning - even, and especially, in low-resource environments and emergencies.
When Street Child’s work began in Sierra Leone in 2008, it was the poorest nation in the world. Today, children continue to face significant barriers to learning. Many children never complete primary school, leaving school without foundational literacy and numeracy skills. Street Child’s research has shown that poverty continues to be the primary barrier to education, often alongside social barriers including loss of a caregiver, teenage pregnancy, parental attitudes to education, and poor teaching quality.
We are incredibly grateful for any donations as we work to raise awareness and funds for this incredible cause; thank you.