If you know me well, you'll know I've always said the one thing I'll never do in life is run a what can only be described as a moment of madness, I entered the ballot on somewhat of a whim and, low and behold, I've got a place!
I'm raising money for a charity that is extremely close to our hearts, Brain Tumour Research. In February 2020, when everyone's lives were about to be turned upside down with Covid, our family got the devastating news that my Auntie Claire had a very aggressive glioblastoma brain tumour. The shock was unimaginable. The following months were focused on making special memories as a family, up until January 2021 when my wonderful Auntie Claire passed away. Family was everything to my Auntie, so it’s left a huge hole for many of us.
Just 1% of the national spend on cancer research has been allocated to brain tumours. If I can be even a tiny part of helping to fund vital research to deliver new treatments, and give hope to anyone else with a brain tumour, then that's what I'll do!
Wish me luck! Time to get that mileage up...