Help me raise $1,000 to support Operation Owatz 2023 and help me achieve my fitness and movement goals over the 6 week challenge!
My goal is to actively MOVE at least 1 hour per day during the 6 weeks.
Dr. Todd Owatz was a dedicated surgeon at the Kootenay Boundary Regional Hospital. He supported his patients' health journey by advising them to use fitness, well being and movement as a means to get and stay well. He passed away on Oct 15, 2020.
This movement challenge, over 6 weeks of activity, has allowed many people to improve their health and establish a lifestyle to get and stay well.
Since 2021, over $70,000 has been raised for the KBRH Ambulatory Care Unit where Dr. Owatz worked. In 2023, the goal is $30,000 to support the purchase of medical equipment in the Surgical Unit.
Please support me today! Make a donation! And, you can start your own fundraising page too!