To celebrate 6 years in business, I am hosting a fitness event. This will consist of 2 workouts and an educational workshop 'Psychological Strategies To Enhance Your Sport Performance'.
When? 1st March, 1-2.30pm at Pyramid Performance, Stockport (West Street, SK3 0AB.
Workouts are open to all fitness levels. There will also be some lights to create a bit of a party vibe, but nothing too intense.
In order to attend, donate whatever amount you wish via this page. I understand money can be tight for some people, so whatever you can spare is greatly appreciated to help me reach my £200 target.
Why this charity?
Alzheimer's Research is a charity close to mine (and my families) hearts. My Nanna & Grandad are both currently in separate care homes and suffer with this terrible disease.
One day, I hope there's a cure and hopefully the money I raise can contribute towards this. I also hope that there can be more support available for the families who suffer alongside their loved ones who suffer with this illness.
Thank you for reading this far,
Hannah x