I will be running the Chester Marathon on 8th October 2023, with a warm up at Tough Mudder in September for Claire House Children's Hospice. I completed the half marathon in 2021, collapsed at the finish line, couldn't walk for a week afterwards, and lost two toenails, so doubling the length is going to be a mammoth task. There are 3 months to go and I need all the encouragement I can get to make it worth it. Please donate anything you can to this amazing cause... and wish me luck.
Imagine hearing the worst possible news as a parent - that your child is seriously ill and not expected to live to be an adult. Claire House helps parents create wonderful experiences for their children and bring back a sense of normality to family life. By providing specialist nursing care and emotional support, Claire House helps families smile again when life couldn't get any tougher. Your money can make a real difference to a family who urgently need more support.