I have been in touch with START since 2020 and have just attended the lotus programme. This was a wonderful opportunity to learn more about the impact of my childhood experiences and to continue my journey of healing. The people that work for START are some of the most empathetic and caring individuals I have ever met. I cannot describe the positive impact they have had on my life. Accessing the past places necessary to recover would not have been possible without this amazing service. I continue to work with them and to heal a bit more each day. It is not linear and some days are still very difficult. However, today I have hope and I can see how far I have come. I no longer carry the guilt and shame that somehow I was responsible for what happened and was "inherently bad" or deserving of it. Being understood in a deeply connected way is incredibly powerful.
More details can be found here:
In order to raise money, I will be shaving my head! Date to be confirmed.