Thanks for visiting my page. I'm looking to raise money with my son Rory as we play 100 holes of golf in one day, teeing off at 4am which will take approximately 20 hrs to complete for the British Heart Foundation's research and we’d be so grateful for your support.
As part of the challenge, each of us will be donating £5 for every ball we lose and £5 for every birdie the other person makes!
Unfortunately, I’ve lost a brother and work colleague to heart attacks, so anything I can do that brings attention to the great work of the British Heart foundation will hopefully help save someone else’s life.
The BHF has helped halve the number of people dying from heart and circulatory disease in the UK but sadly every day hundreds of people still lose their lives. It's only thanks to support from people like you that the BHF can create new treatments and discover new cures.
So please donate for our 100 hole golf challenge on 23rd June at Drumpellier Golf Club.
Thank you