Join me in supporting The Forward Trust, a social business with charitable status that empowers people to break the often interlinked cycles of crime and addiction to move forward with their lives. For more than 25 years, they have been working with people to build positive and productive lives, whatever their past. I am personally committed to this cause and will be climbing the national three peaks Ben Nevis (1,344m), Scafell Pike (978m) and Snowdon (1.085m) all within 24 hours on August 31st, 2024 as part of a personal trek. With your help, we can reach our target of £2000 GBP and make a real difference in the lives of those who need it most.
I have personally struggled with alcohol and drugs and recently decided that enough was enough and had my last ever beer on the 9th of October 2022. Since going sober i have been chatting to various different people about their sobriety journeys and its really opened my eyes to the stigma in the UK around choosing not to drink. I believe that if we talk about addiction in an open and honest way it will allow people to feel less shame about reaching out for help.
So if you can spare some change maybe even use of the money you would normally spend in the pub to support me in in reaching my fund raising target.