Accessible mental health support is so important. Between 2019 and 2022, I struggled so much with anxious and intrusive thoughts that I often found it difficult to leave the house. This impacted friendships, my relationship, my physical health and ability to see family, among other things. I owe so much of who I am able to be today to charity-based mental health support during that time. Many of those close to me have had or are having similar experiences of mental health struggle and, in such a tough economic climate, charity support can save lives.
Running for Restore was therefore a very easy decision to make. In raising money for this cause, I hope to be able to pay forward even a fraction of the support I received at a point when I felt I was bordering crisis.
Who is Restore?
Restore is an Oxfordshire mental health charity whose work benefits thousands of people a year through coaching, training, and structured therapeutic activity. Each year, Restore supports over 500 individuals towards recovery from mental ill health.
86% of Restore's members reported that they felt empowered and well-supported, and 41% of coached members moved into work. Restore’s programmes provide hope, structure, and a pathway to recovery.
Together, we can achieve more and encourage a wider environment that is more positive, tolerant and supportive.