Hello - My name is Freya. I’m 13 years old and I am profoundly deaf. This February I am raising money for Hearing Dogs for Deaf People by doing my FOURTH annual 28 Challenge!!
I am going make hanging ornaments with a doggy Valentine’s theme! I hope you like them - I have been sketching out new designs and testing out different ways to make them all look fab!
We can post these out too - order loads for your own dogs and from your dogs to you and for friends dogs!
Every penny I raise will help more hearing dog puppies to be trained, so that one day they can transform a deaf persons life.
Hearing dogs are highly trained to alert deaf people to important and life-saving sounds, such as the smoke alarm, alarm clocks and even intruder alarms and baby monitors. They also provide lots of love, companionship and emotional support, which is really important as many deaf people can feel lonely and isolated.
It costs £25,000 to fully train a hearing dog, so the 28 Challenge is a great way to raise funds to train more dogs. Any donation, however large or small, will really help.
Thank you.