I am a hospital palliative care doctor in Glasgow. A big part of my job in the last 9 years has been to support people with advanced liver disease, and their carers. I have put lots of people in touch with this charity as they provide counselling, including bereavement support, because very sadly, lots of people still die from alcohol related liver disease. They and their families deserve support to help with the devastating impact of this on their lives.
Scottish Families Affected by Alcohol and Drugs is a national charity that supports anyone concerned about someone else’s alcohol or drug use in Scotland. They give listening support and information to many people and help them with confidence, communication, general wellbeing, and they link them into local support. They also help people recognise and understand the importance of looking after themselves.
Thank you for anything you donate. It will make a big difference to lots of people facing challenging circumstances. I’ll keep you posted on my solo adventures! Lots of love from Fiona xxx