Josh's fundraiser for Focus Foundation
Fundraising for Focus Foundation
Fundraising for Focus Foundation
I'm not the best at raising money for charity, but if you can donate it would be greatly appreciated (i hate asking people for money) i also absolutley hate
Ive got a year full of endurance sports and some extra races (Runs) thrown in for good measure:
17th March - Wigan Half Marathon (Completed - time 01:56)
24th March - Wilmslow Half Marathon (Completed - time 01:53)
7th April - West Lancs Triathlon - Sprint (Completed - time 01:29)
14th April - Manchester Marathon
28th April - Bolton Wanderers Community 10k (1 hour pacer)
19th May - Outlaw Half (Middle Distance Triathlon 70.3 Miles)
30th June - Ironman Bolton 70.3 (Middle Distance Triathlon 70.3 Miles)
20th July - Tolkien Trail race
6th October - Ironman Barcelona
Abit about me:
I was heavily overweight i dont know how heavy as i used to jump off the scales when it hit 20.5 Stone.
and i cant tell you what happened but i wanna say around early 2019, I woke up one morning and decided I didn't want to feel like this anymore so I took myself off to the gym.
I turned my life around so to speak, got a personal trainer to help me make a start.
Lockdown.... and i start to panic everything ive worked towards is going to go down the drain, and as per many people during this time my mental health was not in the best place.
id see people running on their 20 minute's of daily freedom and thought to myself, lets try that....
and well yeah i kind of fell in love with it, its one of those sports it feels terrible in the moment, but amazing afterwards.
i then decided to try running a half marathon, hated every minute of it.. so the year after i set myself a target of running 8 in one year (2 of those being in one weekend) which i did.
Then the word marathon gets mentioned, so 2023 saw me run my first marathon. again hated every minute of it (mainly due to tripping at the 9 mile mark) but i pushed myself through it.
Now 2024, i still have no idea what was going through my head booking some of the races ive got booked, but its all leading to the big one a full distance Iroman in Barcelona 140.6 miles in one day!!!
2.4 Mile Sea Swim
112 Mile Bike ride
26.2 Mile run
Training every day, doing double/Triple sessions occasionally. my life for the foreseeable is Train/Eat/Eat more/Sleep/Eat ha
i like to challenge myself i think is the only way of answering the question "Why?" and theres no bigger challenge than an Ironman!
140.6 miles to hear "Josh ..... You are an Ironman!"
I've set this months before the actual race/event as im doing a few events this year id like to try raise some money for the Focus Foundation in the process!
Focus Group’s purpose is ‘Connecting communities and creating opportunities in a place where people love to work’.
Focus Foundation is the philanthropic arm of Focus Group, our aim is to promote collective action, working in partnership with innovative and effective charities, creating greater social justice while maintaining independence and transparency in how we operate.
Our purpose:
To connect communities to make a positive and lasting change to people’s lives
Our promise:
Every penny raised will go directly to the beneficiary charities
Charities pay a small fee for our service. Learn more about fees