Evie, a 7 year old friend and classmate of the Under 8's team has been diagnosed with Medulloblastoma. Evie and her family's lives have taken an unimaginable twist. She has begun her first 6 weeks of treatment, having to relocate and travel to Manchester before continuing at Birmingham Children's Hospital for another 36 weeks. Evie will undergo chemotherapy and proton therapy - and it is difficult at this time to understand either the immediate or long term impact this treatment will have on Evie and those close to her.
The hope for Evie comes from research conducted by the Children's Cancer and Leukemia Group. Any money raised by FC Crystal will go directly to the Children's Brain Tumour Research Fund, which works on developing understanding and treatment for children like Evie.
100% of money raised would go towards research that would support all types of childhood brain tumours, including Medulloblastoma.
Brain tumours are the biggest cause of cancer deaths in children and young people. And the fight doesn't stop after treatment - many survivors are left with lifelong challenges as a result of their cancer and treatment.
As parents, we sometimes can get lost in how much time and effort we plough into our own children - but sometimes things make you want to just stop and support others. This is something we, as a team, want to raise awareness of and promote to raise financial support to ensure the treatment and life chances continue to improve for all those impacted through the research taking place.