Whoever saves the life of one, it is as if he saved the whole of mankind” (Quran 5:32)
Inshallah my goal is to raise £5,000 to help as many people as I can affected by starvation. Please help me reach my target in the most charitable month of the year 🤍
350,000 children facing starvationA person dies every 48 seconds in East Africa After little to no rain for three entire seasons, hunger in Kenya is higher than has been for thirty years. Devastating losses to crops and livestock have caused an unimaginable increase in hunger levels, with a staggering 55% increase in severely malnourished children being admitted into clinics.
The worst hunger levels in three decades are a culmination of cyclical droughts, conflict, climate shocks, rising food prices, and national debt. There is no end in sight as the nation continues to await the mercy of rain.
Right now, we’re providing:
-£100 food parcel providing a family with a nutritious diet to last a month, clean water, and a malnutrition kit, which contains the calorie-dense Plumpy Nut nutrition supplement.
-One months’ worth of clean water trucking in drought-hit communities.
- High-calorie treatment for malnutrition, in coordination with UNICEF.
-Shelter and non-food items to displaced families arriving in Mogadishu’s camps.
So what now?
Please share and donate whatever you can to support the cause, any amount will be greatly appreciated, as no donation is ever too small. May Allah (SWT) reward you all for your efforts and contributions, and make this a means for you to enter into Jannah, Ameen!
P.S This project is Zakat applicable. Please leave the donation amount visible and mention “zakat” in the message! Jazākillāhu Kheir ❤