I am fundraising for the Anti-Bullying Alliance (ABA) who works tirelessly to unite against bullying and create environments where children feel safe to be themselves without fear of bullying be it online or face to face. At Fat Adam's we raise awareness and support for The Anti-Bullying Alliance and discuss this with every customer every time we sell and ice cream or a bottle of our artisan cocktail range.
Fat Adam’s was born out of adversity.
My name is Adam Phillippe Caplan, I am the Adam in Fat Adam’s. When thinking of a name for the Ice Cream business, I had considered many, including a concept called The Vanilla Ice Cream company, where I’d only make vanilla variations! Eventually, one evening, discussing potential names with a close friend, we came up with the concept of Fat Adam’s Ice Cream. I was bullied as a child and called Fat Adam. Being bullied is no joke. If you’re a child, being called fat and made to feel a lesser person because of it by your school friends and even teachers (I’m looking at you, Mr Talbot) can lead to feelings of low self worth that can last years.
Fat shaming is a really nasty, mean spirited act and it’s commonplace in our daily lives. It’s not just children and small minded teachers that do this. Football fans do it. The internet is full of cowardly trolls doing it. I have even come across it in the world of sales coaching. Why do they do it?
For a laugh. For clicks. For god knows what reason, although I suspect their own insecurities are partly to blame.
Even charities have fat shamed people recently.
What causes it? Unconscious bias? Dislike of people looking different? The need to marginalise minorities?
Every scoop I serve gives me an opportunity to mention why we are called Fat Adam’s, which drives a conversation about bullying and introducing the Anti Bullying Alliance. Please donate here if this message resonates with you: