Tenterden Rotary Club is hosting a musical evening to raise funds for charities important to our community, and to celebrate the end of our 75th year as a Rotary Club. Our evening will include music from the new Orchestra from Everywhere - a group of high-quality classically trained musicians from different countries who have made the UK their home. We will also have a musical celebration of Ukraine, featuring a variety of amazing musicians now living in the UK as refugees from the War in Ukraine. Their songs of hope are guaranteed to bring joy to all who hear them.
Our gala evening will raise funds for two important international appeals: Working with Aquabox and other UK Rotary Clubs, we will help with the costs of shipping water purifiers to communities in Turkey and Syria still suffering the effects of the February 2023 earthquakes. With the Rotary Club of Lviv, we will fund iFAK first aid kits to households and public service workers directly affected by the War, and refurbish underground shelters in schools to keep children safe.
If you can't make it to our concert, you can still contribute! All donations of any amount are welcome, and will help to save lives. As a thank you, we are sharing here a link to access our event either in real time or afterwards. Do enjoy!