I have worked as a consultant at the Breast Centre at University Hospital Llandough since 2010. I find running a good way of maintaining my well being. I have run 4 Marathons in the past but the Chicago Marathon will be my last one! I feel that there would be no better way of celebrating this than to raise funds for the Breast Centre.
The centre treats between 450 and 500 new breast cancer patients every year. At a time when patients may be very anxious they tell us it makes a huge difference to them to have a streamlined service with everything under one roof.
The Breast Centre Appeal raised the money to build the Centre, which is designed around the needs of our patients and houses out-patient clinics and diagnostic radiology services together.
Donations to the Breast Centre Appeal are used to improve the patient journey wherever we feel the need. For example, providing special bras for
mastectomy and reconstruction patients and offer complementary therapies & confidence sessions.
Donations have also provided a physiotherapist for one on one sessions as an
exercise prescription service, the first of its kind in Wales, and a gym for our
patients having surgery for breast cancer.