'Testing my Physical Health to suport Mental Health'..... Recentley I had the pleasure of attending and presenting at an event run by Off The Record - BANES. They do fantasitc work in the community supporting young people. As a parent, the presures and challanges of children in a modern technological age are vastly different to those I faced and the support available can't cope with the demand from young children.
As always, when a charity needs support, my focus looks at some kind of physical challange. One such challange has been brewing for a few years and 'The Great Sled Drag' is on! On a small astro track 32m long i will drag my own body weight (90kg!) backwards and forwards until i have achieved a 1/2 marathon distance - 21,098m, thats 329.65 laps ! (down and back) and i am looking to achieve this in under 12 hours ! ..... grueling ..... Please support and donate what you can afford.