This year, eight members of the Dunking Dollys are braving the cold winter waters, taking part in various levels of the Penguin and Polar Bear Challenge. At the very least this involves a minimum of two open water dips a month from November – March, with many of us adding in additional distance goals and swimwear (or lack of!) requirements. Brrrrrrr!
This cold challenge comes with a warm invitation to help keep us motivated with donations of all sizes to our chosen charity, Maggie's. Maggie’s offers the best possible support free to anyone with cancer and their families who walk through their doors.
Cancer is a word that instills fear in all of us when it touches the lives of us and our loved ones. Unfortunately, it's a reality many cannot avoid. Within our group, many of us, our loved ones, colleagues and friends have been or are currently affected by cancer.
One of our members has bravely shared their story below, reminding us of the importance of charities like Maggie’s:
The moment one is diagnosed with cancer, the world seems to come to a standstill, and the inevitable question arises: why me? This sentiment is universal, cutting across gender, age, race, religion, social status, and more.
It started when I became suspicious about changes in a mole. Having previously worked as a nurse at the Oncology Institute, I sought the opinion of a doctor there. While initially reassured that everything was okay, I remained uneasy and opted to have the mole removed. Unfortunately, the results came back positive for malignant melanoma. Being diagnosed with such a condition in one's mid-thirties, with dependent children, is an incredibly challenging experience.
Having been fortunate to be cancer-free for many years now, my advice to others is this: listen to your body, trust your instincts, and seek medical advice. My doctor expressed gratitude that I convinced him to move forward with the operation, emphasizing that the outcome could have been significantly different within just a year. Timely detection and swift treatment frequently yield more favourable outcomes.
Reflecting on my journey, realizing that having the support of Maggie’s centre during that time would have been invaluable. Often left alone with my thoughts, their assistance would have provided much-needed comfort.
We sincerely appreciate your support for this charity organisation, as they step in to help precisely when we need them the most.