The Great Ormond Street Hospital is a charitable cause which is close to our hearts in Dicker house.
It is the hospital that gave incredible, life-saving care to one of our own Dickerites last year.
Our amazing Dickerite showed unbelievable bravery and determination to overcome a serious illness, and, along with an amazing level of care and support he received from the Squirrel Ward at Great Ormond Street, he was able to get better and re-join us back at Bede's this year.
The Squirrel Ward cares for children and young people with gastroenterology, metabolic or endocrine disorders.
The superb level of care that our valued Dickerite received saved his life. And we, as a whole Dicker community, would like to say thank you by helping to support Great Ormond Street. We hope that the money that we raise in our 24 hour football challenge will help to save other young people or help to fund important research.
Thank you for your generous donations and to everyone who is participating in our event to help us to achieve our goal.