Dhyan is fundraising for LOROS. This is Dhyan's first ever charity run. Kindly encourage him by making any donation towards a good cause.
Thank you for your time.
LOROS Hospice is bringing festive cheer to schools across Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland this December, and we need your pupils to be our Reindeer Recruits! We would love to see as many schools as possible donning their antlers & red noses and coming together to support our community’s only adult hospice.
Your school is at the heart of your community, just as LOROS is at the heart of Leicester. The Hospice is only able to provide care to local people facing the end of their lives because of the support shown each day by your staff, pupils and families, and we need this to continue. Your ongoing support will help people in our community to access the very best compassionate care and ensure our nurses are there to hold their hands to the very end.