2024 marks 10 years since our son Oscar's death, he would have been 11 this year. Since Covid we have had limited opportunities to fundraise for Thinking of Oscar, however we focusing on finding new technologies to help children in hospital and sharing the stories of amazing people around the world who are working to change children's health through our Not Mini Adults Podcast (
Thinking of Oscar's mission remains to 'Bring The Future of Healthcare To Children'......
Thinking of Oscar's mission remains to 'Bring The Future of Healthcare To Children', and we continue to invest in, and look for solutions that help to make the lives of children in hospital easier. We also provide funding for the application of innovation and technology, over and above those which the NHS provide. whilst also looking at broader goals such as to accelerate diagnosis and treatment for sick children and to improve care regimes that are specifically tailored to the needs of children.
After all, children make up nearly 25% of the population and are 100% of our future.
This year we are aiming to take part in a number of events starting with the Blenheim Palace Triathlon over the weekend of June 1-2 2024.
David will be taking on the Weekend Warrior: The aim of which is to complete as many back-to-back (super-sprint or sprint) triathlons as you can in one weekend. Hannah will be taking part in the sprint triathlon distance on Sunday June 2nd, hopefully surrounded by family and friends.
We would be so grateful for any support in reaching our fundraising target, and to help us swim, bike and run over the Blenheim Palace course, and more importantly to continue to support children's health needs.
Thank you so much for visiting our page.
David and Hannah Cole