As many of you know both Mum and Dad / Nanny and Grandad passed away earlier this year. Mum died on 6th February having courageously lived with motor neurone disease (MND) since 2019, cared for by Dad who died unexpectedly on 9th July. We have decided to walk the 26-mile Winter Walk London (2024) event on 27th January in memory of them both, with the Motor Neurone Disease Association our chosen charity. Mum / Nanny was greatly supported by this organisation from diagnosis until the end of her life and our family owe them a huge amount of gratitude.
MND is a progressive disease that attacks the motor neurones, or nerves, in the brain and spinal cord. This means messages gradually stop reaching muscles, which leads to weakness and wasting.
MND can affect how you walk, talk, eat, drink and breathe. However, not all symptoms necessarily happen to everyone and it is unlikely they will all develop at the same time, or in any specific order.
Although there is currently no cure for MND, symptoms can be managed to help you achieve the best possible quality of life.
We need your support. Love and heartfelt thanks,
Catherine and Dave xx
£160 could fund a specialist communication app for a tablet/smartphone/laptop to enable a person with MND to continue to communicate with loved ones
£280 could fund the co-ordination of care for a person with MND at a care centre for a year
£1000 could pay for detailed analysis of the DNA of someone with MND to help us better understand the causes of the disease