Mind BLMK works across our communities to support positive mental health and wellbeing. Working closely with a range of partners, we offer a number of activities from our wellbeing centres and local venues to make a difference to the mental health and wellbeing of people in Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes, and our aim is to make sure that no-one has to face a mental health problem alone.
My own mental health experience in 1982 took the form of depression during my final year at university, which was largely caused by a combination of the pressures, and being constantly dragged down by a series of viral infections over several months. Although the depression has never recurred per se, this sustained period of illness left me the legacy of well below average energy levels for my age, along with a weak immune system for another 22 years. In 2005 when I was 45, it came as most welcome when for no clear reason, my health suddenly took a real turn for the better, and the lasting cloud of having consistently less stamina than my peers finally cleared.
I have since always felt very grateful and extremely lucky to have made an unexpected full recovery, not to mention for feeling sufficiently fit at 64 years old to consider tackling a marathon! I am running for those who have been a lot less fortunate than me and hope that you will want to help them too by donating. Thank you very much for your kindness.