Barry passed away peacefully Tuesday 10th October 2023. The kind and supportive expert care of The Kirkwood extended not just to Barry but to close family in his final days. We couldn't have wished for a better setting. We would like to thank all the staff at the Kirkwood. Barry would have wished for donations to the hospice. Charity and Community were at the heart of everything he stood for. We know he would have wanted friends and family to help others and to keep this place going.
The Kirkwood is a charity. Every penny contributed is valuably needed and used wisely. Please, give what you can.
Your £10 donation could fund a virtual wellbeing session for a patient living with heart failure.
A donation of £50 could pay for specialist counselling support for a patient and their family.
£100 could provide vital support to a patient in their own home from one of The Kirkwood Nurses.
The Kirkwood are here to support anyone affected by a life limiting illness, every step of the way. Right now, over 3,000 people in Kirklees are living with an illness from which they will not recover. Your support means we’re here for them.