Before I was ill with Covid and subsequently Long Covid I used to run sometimes and do charity fundraisers. I've not done one for a long time because I simply have not been well enough to contemplate it. I went for a short run this morning. Only about my 4th in as many years. I am now well enough to do this although I am sure that my time will be very slow. I intend to do one short 5-10 minute run each day up until this race which is only 7 weeks away to get myself sufficiently fit. Covid nearly killed me in late 2020/early 2021 and when I was first dealing with Long covid this would have been impossible for me. I did not think I would ever run again and due to my lack of mobility put on a lot of weight and had to walk with a stick. I have had some dark times, but am coming through them. I am using this run as motivation to try to get fitter to do this run. I am happy to raise money for a mental health charity. One of the impacts of Long covid I experienced was 'Brain fog'. I still experience it from time to time now, usually when I am tired. It thankfully has not hindered my work, but it is frustrating when you grasp for the name of an actor or singer you want to talk about in conversation. Mind as well as being a mental health charity also do work on Dementia. I have had a family member who passed away who had this illness and another family member now who is suffering from this. Many of us know people with mental health issues and or dementia so it seems a good charity to support. Details of this run organised by mind popped up on my facebook a few days ago. I had no intention of entering any races again up until that point. I used to live in Crsytal palace so I suppose that also added a certain something. Details of the race written below are from the charity. Thanks for reading adn I hope you feel able to donate. 5K might not seem a big deal for some of you (It wouldn't for me in the past) but this will be a genuine challenge for me given events of these last few years- Mental Elf is a festive 5k fun run taking place on Sunday 1st December in Crystal Palace Park. The event is organised by South East London Mind and all funds raised directly support local people with mental health problems and dementia across the 5 boroughs of South East London - Bromley, Greenwich, Lambeth, Lewisham and Southwark.