Sid Waddell once said "When Alexander of Macedonia was 33, he cried salt tears because there were no more worlds to conquer …." I know exactly how the lad felt because here I am, a mere TWENTY TWO years older crying real tears - none of this salt nonsense - and getting ready to dig the walking boots out of the garage and embark on another ridiculous jaunt in aid of a great cause.
Toenails grown back (again) and knees still made of custard creams, I shall be joining up with Glasgow's favourite son & unrepentant fenian b@st@rd James Burke to see how many hours later we can trail in behind the rest by (he's even older than me).
So come on folks. Dig deep for a fantastic cause.
We'll do the hard bit - walking 33 miles from Blackpool to Wigan and you can do the easy bit - mocking us & throwing us a few quid our way out of pity.
We've raised over £100k doing these ridiculous walks all for a fantastic cause & a great young lad.
As always, those readers with a more robust constitution head straight to the pictures section for some red hot blister action...and a bit more besides...